Reflections on Surah al-Kahf

Reflections on Surah al-Kahf Surah al-Kahf is a surah that many Muslims recite every Friday, as there are a number of authentic hadiths that indicate the virtue of doing so. However, unfortunately not many of us reflect over the meanings of this great surah. The...

Studying in Saudi Universities

Studying in Saudi Universities Many people are well aware of Saudi universities that offer scholarships to Muslims from around the world to study. These universities have become well known over the last few decades, as they have graduated hundreds of thousands of...

The Khurasaniyyah

The Khurasaniyyah A new book has recently been published entitled: Commentary of “The Creed of the Two Rāzīs”( Aṣl al-Sunnah wa Iʿtiqād al-Dīn )By Shaykh ʿAbdul-ʿAzīz bin Marzūq al-Ṭarīfī This creed basically consists of what the two Imāms, Abū Ḥātim and Abū Zurʿah,...

Book: “Summarized Islamic Fiqh”

“Summarized Islamic Fiqh” A new book with over a thousand matters pertaining to tawḥīd, īmān, faḍā’il, akhlāq, ādāb, adhkār and fiqh, all in light of the Qur’ān & Sunnah, has been translated into English and now available for the first time. It’s an excellent and...

One of the Effects Daʿwah Should Have on an Individual

One of the Effects DaʿwahShould Have on an Individual There’s no doubt that being involved in the field of daʿwah and teaching Islam on various levels has its many positive effects on an individual, whether it be on a personal level bringing one closer to Allah, or on...