
A Guide to Fasting Shawwal

A Guide to Fasting Shawwal Fasting is a noble deed that is beloved to Allah. There are many virtues of fasting mentioned by our Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). As such, the believer should be keen to not only suffice with the obligatory fast of Ramadan, but to also fast as many...

Clarification and Disclaimer

Clarification and DisclaimerThere has recently been an attempt by pro-Israeli groups to accuse me of being antisemitic, an accusation not taken lightly in the West. They have done this by digging up old statements of mine that were made in the context of the 2008 and...

To Vote or Not to Vote?

To Vote or Not to Vote?As we approach the federal elections here in Canada, this is a question that is seldom asked. It’s usually not a question of whether we should vote or not, but who we should be voting for. In fact, those who oppose Muslim participation in the...

Reflections on Surah al-Kahf

Reflections on Surah al-Kahf Surah al-Kahf is a surah that many Muslims recite every Friday, as there are a number of authentic hadiths that indicate the virtue of doing so. However, unfortunately not many of us reflect over the meanings of this great surah. The...

Studying in Saudi Universities

Studying in Saudi UniversitiesMany people are well aware of Saudi universities that offer scholarships to Muslims from around the world to study. These universities have become well known over the last few decades, as they have graduated hundreds of thousands of...

The Khurasaniyyah

The KhurasaniyyahA new book has recently been published entitled: Commentary of “The Creed of the Two Rāzīs”( Aṣl al-Sunnah wa Iʿtiqād al-Dīn )By Shaykh ʿAbdul-ʿAzīz bin Marzūq al-Ṭarīfī This creed basically consists of what the two Imāms, Abū Ḥātim and Abū Zurʿah,...

Book: “Summarized Islamic Fiqh”

“Summarized Islamic Fiqh”A new book with over a thousand matters pertaining to tawḥīd, īmān, faḍā’il, akhlāq, ādāb, adhkār and fiqh, all in light of the Qur’ān & Sunnah, has been translated into English and now available for the first time. It’s an excellent and...

One of the Effects Daʿwah Should Have on an Individual

One of the Effects DaʿwahShould Have on an Individual There’s no doubt that being involved in the field of daʿwah and teaching Islam on various levels has its many positive effects on an individual, whether it be on a personal level bringing one closer to Allah, or on...

The Objectives of Daʿwah

The Objectives of Daʿwah In my previous post, I had shed some light on the importance of those active in the field of daʿwah focusing their attention on giving daʿwah to themselves and those close to them before giving daʿwah to others, and also on the importance of...

Daʿwah: To whom and to what?

Daʿwah:To whom and to what? The title of this article may seem a bit odd to some. That is because the answers to these two questions are quite well known to anyone who is active in giving daʿwah and teaching. However, I want to focus on something more important than...

The Heart’s Ailment

The Heart’s AilmentIbn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah says: Anyone who becomes aware of Allah, without a doubt ends up loving Him and making his worship sincerely for Him. Furthermore, he does not prefer anything of beloved things over Him, for whoever prefers anything of...

Studying in Qassim, Saudi Arabia

Studying in Qassim, Saudi ArabiaSince 2010, Qassim University has been steadily accepting a larger number of non-Saudi scholarship students, studying at various academic levels – from the pre-university Arabic Language Institute to post-graduate studies. Because the...

Regarding Comfort and Luxury

Regarding Comfort and LuxuryShaikh Muhammad ibn Salih al-Uthaimeen said: “The more people increase in comfort and luxury and the more they open up before the people [with the Dunya], the more evils will open up before them. It is comfort and luxury that destroys a...

Fiqh Principles Related to Fasting

Fiqh PrinciplesRelated to Fasting Now that Ramadan has arrived, many questions arise concerning various matters related to fasting. Many of these questions can be brought back to a certain set of principles to be answered. The following is a list of principles put...

The Good and Evil Ending – Part 3

The Good and Evil Ending – Part 3 The Evil Ending The meaning of an evil or bad ending is that when a servant is about to die he turns away from his Lord, neglecting that which Allah has made obligatory upon him, and instead turning to that which brings about the...

The Good and Evil Ending – Part 2

The Good and Evil Ending – Part 2 The Good Ending The meaning of a good ended is that when a servant is about to die he is granted Tawfeeq from Allah to refrain from everything that angers Him, hastening to His repentance, and rushing to perform various acts of...

The Good and Evil Ending – Part 1

The Good and Evil Ending – Part 1 The end of an individual’s life in this Dunya is something of great significance, as it depicts what will become of that individual in the life to come. The good ending signals a life of bliss in the hereafter, whereas the evil ending...

The Adhkar of the Morning and Evening – Part 2

The Adhkar of the Morning and Evening – Part 2 The following Adhkar of the morning and evening have been taken from authentic Ahadeeth that I’ve gathered together from various books. I first mentioned the particular Dhikr in Arabic, then its translation, along with...

The Adhkar of the Morning and Evening – Part 1

The Adhkar of the Morning and Evening – Part 1 Adhkar in the Arabic language is the plural of Dhikr which means remembrance. When mentioned in the Qur’an and Sunnah it refers to the remembrance of Allah through certain sayings and supplications. Allah says: “Therefore...

The Delusion of Large Numbers

The Delusionof Large Numbers A little over a month ago I came across a news headline that read: “Muslims more numerous than Catholics: Vatican.” The headline alone brought me great joy. It gave me a sense of pride to know that Islam was moving up to the top due to our...

How to Gain the Love of Allah – Part 2

How to Gain the Loveof Allah – Part 2 6. Observing His kindness and benevolence, and His blessings and bounties, both inward and outward, for verily it is a motive towards loving Him. In Surah Ibrahim Allah mentions a list of blessings and bounties that He has...

How to Gain the Love of Allah – Part 1

How to gain the Loveof Allah – Part 1 The love of Allah is something that every Muslim strives to attain, it is the station that the pious would compete against one another to reach. It’s easy for one to claim that he loves Allah, but how many can claim that Allah...

A Guide to Seeking Knowledge – Part 2

A Guide to Seeking Knowledge – Part 2 It is essential that the student of knowledge treads the path of knowledge upon a correct methodology. If the methodology is a correct one he will see promising results, however if the methodology is an incorrect one he will see...

A Guide to Seeking Knowledge – Part 1

A Guide to Seeking Knowledge – Part 1It is by the grace and bounty of Allah that today we see a large number of our youth going forward in the path of seeking knowledge. In the last few years we have seen an increase in the amount of Islamic schools, institutes, and...

Knowledge and its Possessors

Knowledgeand its PossessorsToday we live in a time where little or no importance is given to sacred Islamic knowledge. Ignorance of the very fundamental aspects of the religion of Islam is becoming widespread among the Muslims. Even those who write, talk, or debate on...

A Message to the Tullab-ul-‘Ilm and Du’at

A Message to theTullab-ul-‘Ilm and Du’at I write this first and foremost as a reminder to myself, and secondly as a reminder to my brothers and sisters from among the students of knowledge and from among those active in the field Da’wah and teaching. The times we live...

Maintaining our Islamic Identities

Maintaining our Islamic IdentitiesThe age we live in today is an age of trial and tribulation, especially for the Muslims living in the non-Muslim societies of the West. You find many of them trying to strike a balance between their Islamic and Western identities. You...

Islam: The One and Only Religion

Islam: The One and Only Religion A little while back I had written something up on “the purpose behind our existence.” I had mentioned there that the sole purpose behind our existence in this world is to worship the One who created us in the first place, and I had...

The Purpose Behind our Existence

The Purpose Behind our Existence The age we live in today is an age in which our lives are controlled by the world we live in, in which time passes by without us even noticing. As a result of this most people have little time to stop and think about the most...

Comment on “Little Mosque on the Prairie”

Comment on “Little Mosque on the Prairie” Over the last few weeks there has been a lot of discussion regarding a new Canadian comedy sitcom known as “Little Mosque on the Prairie” aired on Canada’s CBC network, it centers on a community of Muslims who have moved to a...