
Atheists as a Fringe Group in Human History

Atheists as a Fringe Group in Human HistoryAlthough atheism is nothing new and has always existed throughout human history, it was never a widespread phenomenon like it has become today. In fact, what history shows us is that there were very rare cases of the total...

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The Khurasaniyyah

The KhurasaniyyahA new book has recently been published entitled: Commentary of “The Creed of the Two Rāzīs”( Aṣl al-Sunnah wa Iʿtiqād al-Dīn )By Shaykh ʿAbdul-ʿAzīz bin Marzūq al-Ṭarīfī This creed basically consists of what the two Imāms, Abū Ḥātim and Abū Zurʿah,...

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